Transmission Products (T-1201)
RTV: Room Temperature Vulcanate (elastomer sealant) is a silicone rubber that cures at room temperature. SCL: Specified Cantilever Load is the minimum ultimate cantilever strength of the part. Section Length: The straight-line distance between the coupling points of the insulator’s end fittings. SML: Specified Mechanical Load is the minimum ultimate tensile strength of the part. Splice: A connector joining two or more conductor ends. Square Shaft (SS): A solid steel, round-cornered-Square central Shaft element ranging in size from 1 1 / 4 ” to 2 1 / 4 ”. Also known as Type SS for Chance ® Helical Anchors. Strike Distance: The shortest distance across the insulator surface, between the end fittings of the insulator; also commonly referred to as the dry arc distance or tight string distance. Surge Arrester: A protective device for limiting surge voltages on equipment by diverting surge current and returning the device to its original status. It is capable of repeating these functions. Suspension Clamp: A clamp used as the interface between the conductor and the insulator string as a means of mechanically supporting the conductor while reducing applicable stresses. Tee Connector: A connector joining a run (main) conductor and a tap conductor. Torque Rating: The maximum torque energy that can be applied to a helical anchor/pile during installation in soil. Also known as Allowable Torque or Safe Torque. TOV (Temporary Over-Voltage): A power frequency voltage greater than that at which a device or circuit is designed to normally operate. TowerPak™: Kitting methodology as defined by the customer to pack transmission hardware assemblies by phase or tower. UNI-GRIP ® Deadend: Deadend connector utilizing one die size for complete installation. The aluminum body is factory compressed onto the steel eye.
Page 434 | August 2013
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