Transmission Products (T-1201)
Installation Torque (T): The resistance generated by a helical anchor/ pile when installed into soil. The installation resistance is a function of the soil plus the size and shape of the various components of the helical anchor/pile. The installation energy must equal the resistance to pen etrate the soil (penetration energy) plus the energy loss due to friction (friction energy). Leakage Distance: The distance between the conductive end fittings of the insulator across the insulator surface, moving in and out of the sheds. Also commonly referred to as the creep or creepage distance. MCOV (Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage): Continuous line to ground rating of arrester in kV. Minimum Tension Connector: Connector capable of withstanding a conduc tor tensile load equal to at least 5% of the rated strength of the conductor. MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor): The power semi-conductor that limits the surge voltage allowing the arrester to perform its protection function. Normal Tension Connector: Connector capable of withstanding a conductor tensile load equal to at least 60% of the rated strength of the conductor. Partial Tension Connector: Connector capable of withstanding a conductor ten sile load equal to at least 40% of the rated strength of the conductor. Pile Cap: A means of connection through which structural loads are transferred to a pile or pier. The type of connection varies depending on the requirements of the project and the type of pile/pier material used. NOTE: Care must be used in the design of pile caps to ensure adequate structural load transfer. Design constraints such as expansive soils, compressible soils and seis mic loads must be accounted for in pile cap design. PISA ® System: The acronym for Power Installed Screw Anchor. The PISA System was originally developed for the power utility industry in the late 1950’s. Proof Test: The incremental loading of a pile or pier, where the load is held for a period of time and the total movement is recorded at each load increment. RCL: Reference Cantilever Load is the maximum design cantilever load (MDCL), which is rated at 50% of the part’s SCL. RIV: Radio-Interference Voltages are caused by electric currents that produce magnetic and electrostatic fields that are capable of inducing high-frequency voltage pulses in nearby radio antennas. The RIV of an insulator is measured under conditions speci fied by industry standards. RTL: Routine Test Load is the maximum design tension load, which is rated at 50% of the part’s SML. All parts are tested at this rating prior to being shipped.
Page 433 | August 2013
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