Gleason Reel Pre-Engineered Products (ED 11-21)


Workplace Solutions

Ideal for a wide variety of grounding applications. Reel has enclosed spool and safety orange baked polyester finish. See table for various cable and connector options. 67$7,& ',6&+$5*( 5((/6

Enclosed Spool Series ‘SD’ • Automatic 38//Œ Rewinding • Rugged Steel Construction • Compact Enclosed Design • Positive Ratchet Lock with On/Off Switch • Steel Cable Installed • Safety Orange Polyester Baked-On Finish

8.8 (224)

7.9 (200) 8.6 (219)

1.5 (38)

3.4 (85)

Series ‘SD’

Includes Cable Installed on Reel

Model No.

Cable Length ft.

Cable Material

Cable Cover

End Options

30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized

none none none none none none none none

Alligator Clip Hand Clamp Aircraft Clamp Alligator Clip Hand Clamp Aircraft Clamp Alligator Clip Hand Clamp Aircraft Clamp Alligator Clip Hand Clamp Aircraft Clamp Alligator Clip Alligator Clip Hand Clamp Aircraft Clamp Aircraft Plug, Rnd Aircraft Plug, Rnd Aircraft Plug, Rnd Aircraft Plug, Rnd Aircraft Plug, Rnd

SD-2030 1

SD-2030-C1 SD-2030-C2 SD-2030-P1

Connect Options:

SD-2050 1

SD-2050-C1 SD-2050-C2 SD-2050-P1 SD-2050-OS 3

Aircraft Plug, Round

Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless

Orange Orange Orange Orange Clear Clear Clear Clear none Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow

SD-2050-OS-C1 3 SD-2050-OS-C2 3 SD-2050-OS-P1 3 SD-2050N 2 SD-2050N-C1 SD-2050N-C2 SD-2050N-P1 SD-2050-YL-AL SD-2050-YL-C1 SD-2050-YL-C2 SD-2050-YL-P1 SD-2050Y 1

Aircraft Clamp

Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized


Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless

Hand Clamp

1 Static discharge reels are supplied complete with 3/32" OD steel aircraft cable. The electrical resistance between the end effector and the mounting surface shall not exceed 10-Ohms. 2 Nylon covered cable (1/8" OD) is an optional extra. The electrical resistance between the end effector and the mounting surface shall not exceed 10-Ohms. 3 Stainless Steel cable covered with Orange or Yellow Nylon jacket to 1/8" OD. The electrical resistance between the end effector and the mounting surface shall not exceed 10-Ohms.

Alligator Clip

Unpainted surfaces on mounting plate used for grounding.

G l e a s o n R e e l C o r p . • 6 0 0 S o u t h C l a r k S t . , M a y v i l l e , W I 5 3 0 5 0 • P h o n e : 9 2 0 - 3 8 7 - 4 1 2 0 • www. h u b b e l l . c o m / g l e a s o n r e e l / e n 36

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