Gleason Reel Pre-Engineered Products (ED 11-21)


Workplace Solutions

+26( 5((/6 +($9< '87< )25 0$&+,1(6 25 E-Z 38// ™ )25 *(17/( +$1' 38// Heavy duty hose reels are designed for supplying air or fluid to machines in applications where the machine supplies the power to pull out the hose and the reel supplies the rewinding power. They are also widely used overhead where the hose is pulled down by hand. In hand pull applications, a ratchet lock is usually employed to keep the hose extended while in use. E-Z 38// ™ REELS are designed to make hose handling safer and smoother and to minimize costly replacement caused by excessive rewind speeds. Rewind pull is kept to a minimum resulting in a reel that is gentle to pull out, yet very adequate to rewind the hose. In some situations, the rewind pull provided by E-Z 38// ™ reels may require a gentle assist from the operator. E-Z 38// ™ reels should be mounted a maximum 3 ft. (0.9m) above the floor so that the hose may be pulled horizontally . Typical mounting is under a workbench. SERIES “H” APPLICATION:

BOTH REELS FEATURE: • 1/4”, 3/8”, or 1/2” (6, 9, 13mm) hose • All welded solid steel construction • Fully automatic; Machine mountable • Weatherproof gasket on spring motor • Positive ratchet lock with disengage • Multi-position adjustable hose guide • Orange polyester baked-on finish • Adjustable hose stop included • Optional 340° pivot base • Heavy duty mounting bracket • Safetychange® spring motor

• Connect machines to air/water supply • Hand pull, with or without ratchet stop, Ideal for fluids, compressed air • Mount base up, down or to wall for vertical or horizontal hose travel • Add optional 340° pivot; reel turns to follow hose pay-out E-Z 38// APPLICATION: • Mount under workbench or low on wall • Supply air to tools, compressed air for inflating or cleaning • Increase safety, hose does not “fly back” to reel

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0$&+,1( 86( 25 29(5+($' 02817(' +$1' 38// ±02'(/ 12

E-Z 38// )25 +25,=217$/ +$1' 38// $33/,&$7,216 ±02'(/ 12 ±

1(7 :(,*+7 OEV NJ

340° BASE 237

0$; /(1*7+ IW P 25 (7.5) 35 (10.5) 50 (15.0) 25 (7.5) 35 (10.5) 50 (15.0) 25 (7.5) 35 (10.5) 50 (15.0)

REEL 6,=(

REEL 6,=(

+26( 6723

,16,'( ',$ LQ PP

,1387 287387 ),77,1*6

0$; 35(6 psi (N/mm)

HC2525 HC2535 HE2550 HC3825 HD3835 HF3850 HG5025 HG5035 HG5050

EZ4-2525 EZ4-2535 EZ9-2550 EZ4-3825 EZ4-3835 EZ9-3850 EZ9-5025 EZ9-5035 EZ9-5050

A 30 (13)

1/4 (6)

0.25 NPTF


B 42 (19)

CP-2 PB-14

A 30 (13) B 60 (27)

315 (2.17 )

3/8 (9)

0.38 NPTF



1/2 (13) 0.50 NPTF

B 62 (28)



PB14 340° PIVOT BASE (Optional) Use with “H” series only.

PB19 340° PIVOT BASE (Optional) Use with “H” series only.

6.5 (165)

6.5 (165)

3.0 (76)

3.0 (76)

Mounting Surface 4 Holes 0.53 (13) Dia.

5.7 (145)

Mounting Surface 4 Holes 0.44 (11) Dia.

8.5 (216)

2.0 (51)

To Reel Base 4 Holes 0.53 (13) Dia.

To Reel Base 4 Holes 0.47 (12) Dia.

3.5 (89)

6.5 (165)

3.0 (76)





7.0 (178)

6.1 (155)

10.75 (273)

8.1 (206)

20.5 (521)

16.25 (413)



13.75 (176)

19.0 (483)

G l e a s o n R e e l C o r p . • 6 0 0 S o u t h C l a r k S t . , M a y v i l l e , W I 5 3 0 5 0 • P h o n e : 9 2 0 - 3 8 7 - 4 1 2 0 • www. h u b b e l l . c o m / g l e a s o n r e e l / e n 3

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