Underground Enclosures (UG-22 CA07017E)
PenCell Enclosure Options
Hinged Meter Lids* Available Sizes
Holes for touch or radio read applications can be provided in covers as needed. Touch/Radio Read Option
4” x 6” lid 6” x 9” lid 9” x 12” lid
Available in cast iron for Quazite/FRP, plastic for PenCell
Drop-in Meter Lids* (polymer concrete only) Available Sizes
Polymer concrete 6” x 9” drop-in lid Polymer concrete 7” x 13” drop-in lid Polymer concrete 9” x 15” drop-in lid
*Select sizes available in Tier 15. Tier 22 not available.
EZ - Locate The EZ Locate System allows the #6 – #24 AWG ground wires / bonding harnesses or tracer wires to be quickly isolated from the grounding electrode. The telescoping body is made from stainless steel; the isolating ground switch is made from engineering-grade thermo-plastic and tin-plated copper alloy components to prevent corrosion. Available Sizes 24x36 and 30x48
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