Underground Enclosures (UG-22 CA07017E)

PenCell Selection Guide

Style Guide – Tailored Product Variety. We offer a wide variety of box styles in order to meet your most specialized enclosure needs. Each style offers specific strengths and assets for diverse functionality • DT Style Heavy duty straight wall enclosures made of a structurally ribbed HDPE box and a cover made from either polymer concrete or HDPE. DT series enclosures with polymer concrete covers achieve specific ANSI/SCTE 77 Tier ratings. • PE Style Light duty enclosures that include round models as well as rectangular vault models. Various cover options include HDPE or galvanized diamond plate steel. Spacers and lower extensions are available on specific rectangular vault models. Most rectangular vault models are adaptable to our above grade pedestals. • PM (PEM) Style Grade level, HDPE enclosures offer a wide variety of sizes and cover configurations. It’s tapered walls prevent frost heave while allowing the units to be nested during storage. This highly versatile series can be combined with various cover options that include polymer concrete, HDPE and even split 2-piece designs. Extensions are also available.


• PR (PEMR) Style Round top enclosures made of an HDPE tapered box combined with a polymer concrete ring and cover. The round shape also prevents the cover from falling into the enclosure cavity.

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