Transmission Products (T-1201)
Adjust-A-Grip Deadend: An adjustable device that connects the guy wire to the tower or guy wire to the anchor. The adjustable feature allows for adjustment
during installation or at a later time if required. Allowable Load: The maximum load allowed on an anchor/pile or pier as determined by an approved formula, load test or method of analysis. Anchor: A foundation element used to attach or support an uplift load at the surface of the earth. ANSI: The American National Standards Institute verifies that the standard developers are complying with the consensus and all other approval criteria. ANSI Ball and Socket Sizes: Ball and socket characteristics as defined by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) C29.2 with respect to insulators. General industry rating for 52-3 and 52-5 fittings is 30,000 pounds while the industry rating for 52-8 and 52-11 fittings is 50,000 pounds. Bearing Stratum: Soil layers of sufficient strength to be capable of resisting the applied axial load transferred by a pile or pier. BNK: Bolt, nut and cotter key. Bolted Connector: A connector in which the contact between the conductor and the connector is applied and maintained by pressure exerted by one or more clamping bolts. Boron-free E-Glass: Electrical grade fiberglass that has corrosion resistance greater than boron containing E-glass. It is environmentally friendly due to the lack of boron and fluorine. Combined Load Charts: Also referred to as application curves; a graphical representation that shows how the maximum working loads interact for a given line post or braced line post assembly. Compression Connector: A connector in which the contact between the conductor and the connector is made by means of compression using a hydraulic press and specifically sized die. Conductor: A carrier of electric current that is constructed from conducting material. Popular types would consist of ACSR, ACSS, AAC, AAAC, ACAR and trapezoidal versions of ACSR and ACSS. Conventional Two-Die Deadend: Deadend connector utilizing one die size for the aluminum body and another die size for the steel eye. Aluminum body and steel eye components are included in the deadend assembly but are not factory compressed together.
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