Transmission And Substation Foundations - Technical Design Manual (TD06088E)
In the event that cohesion or undrained shear strength values are not available, HeliCAP ® uses the following equation to obtain estimated undrained shear strength values when blow counts from ASTM D 1586 Standard Penetration Tests are available. This equation is based on empirical values and is offered only as a guide when undrained shear strength values are otherwise not available. It is suggested that results be used with caution. (NOTE: The correlated undrained shear strength values determined by HeliCAP ® can be overridden. This is encouraged when more reliable soil data are available.) c (ksf) = N / 8 or = 0.125(N) Equation 4-35
c (kPa) = 6N where: c = “cohesion”; for φ ’ = 0; c = undrained shear strength = s u N = Blow count value per ASTM D 1586 Standard Penetration Test
Unit Weight Correlation
In the event unit weight values are not available, HeliCAP ® uses the following equations to obtain estimated unit weight values when blow counts from ASTM D 1586 Standard Penetration Tests are available.
Equation 4-36
Clay (Fine-Grain) Soils:
γ = 80 + (2N) (lb/ft 3 ) γ = 120 (lb/ft 3 )
N > 0 & N ≤ 19: N ≥ 20 & N ≤ 40
γ = 120 + 2(N-40) (lb/ft 3 )
Equation 4-37
N ≥ 41 & N < 50
γ = 140 (lb/ft 3 )
N ≥ 50
Sand (Coarse-Grain) Soils: N = 0
γ = 65 (lb/ft 3 )
γ = 60 + 5N (lb/ft 3 ) γ = 100 (lb/ft 3 )
Equation 4-38
N ≥ 8 & N ≤ 10
γ = 90 + N (lb/ft 3 )
Equation 4-39
N ≥ 11 & N < 50
N ≥ 50 γ = 140 (lb/ft 3 ) These correlations were originally determined from Tables 3-2 and 3-3 in Bowles first edition of Foundation Analysis and Design . These relationships provide an approximation of the total unit weight. They have been modified slightly from how they were originally presented as experience has suggested. (NOTE: The correlated total unit weight values determined by HeliCAP ® can be overridden. This is encouraged when more reliable soil data are available.)
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