Transmission And Substation Foundations - Technical Design Manual (TD06088E)

At this point, the data is input into Group®. Some of the inputs include: the soils, the loads (including different load cases for tension/compression as well as different directions the loads can act), T-Z curve, and the pile configuration/properties (Pile configuration for grillages can be found in the grillage section under the products tab and pile properties/capacities can be found in the same section under the section for the desired pile. Generally the loads put into GROUP® are working loads. Because GROUP® is estimating lateral deflection; the best way to get a factor of safety is to apply it to the Group results. Please consult the Group® Manual for any questions about how to use Group®. Here are the results of this analysis for these piles.


Figure 7-7: Resultant Deflection, Moment, and Shear

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