Tips & News - September 2011
All the transmission hardware you need bundled and shipped together. It’s fast. It’s easy. It’s just what you need to make your projects go smoothly. With the transmission construction pace increasing across the country, utili- ties are looking for ways to quickly complete projects. We have the answer! When you use our Hubbell TowerPak Kits you cut costs, ensure component compatibility and simplify your scheduling. Versatile, too. You can specify the assembly pack which includes components of one or more assemblies packed together and marked with Hubbell and customer specified assembly numbers. Or, specify the TowerPak with components of all assemblies on a given struc- ture type packed together, palletized and marked with Hubbell and customer- specified structure types.
Parts customized for the specific needs of your projects.
With either approach, the polymer insulator portion of the assemblies for several structures are packed in wood crates in multiples of three, including insulator-shielding corona rings where systems voltages are 230kV and above. Look to our program to give you what you want, how you want it and when you want it at a cost you won’t believe.
Products are packed together to reduce loss of material and speed installation. From factory to field the savings are real.
Call Hubbell Power Systems (573) 682-5521 or contact us at
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