Tips & News - August 2015

On January 21, 2015 Hubbell Power Systems (HPS) made its fifth acquisition in 12 months. HPS continues its pattern of growth, acquiring a substantial amount the assets from the Acme Electric and Turner Electric ® (Turner) divisions of Power Products, LLC. Turner Electric is a leading manufacturer of high voltage, air insulated disconnect switches for electric substation sand transmission lines. They are also a leader in key switch accessories such as automated motor operators and vacuum interruption devices. Turner Electric and its 60 employees are located in Edwardsville, IL. “We are pleased to have Turner join the Hubbell Power Systems organization,” commentedHPS President GerbenBakker. “Turner Electric’s high voltage transmission switches, motor operators, and vacuum interrupters are a natural compliment to Hubbell’s USCO brand of substation switches. More importantly, Turner Electric brings a proven team of individuals with strong technical skills and a high degree of dedication. We are excited to have them on board.” With the inclusion of Turner Electric into the HPS family of products, our customers gain access to a more complete portfolio of solutions. Turner Electric’s product line is well known for servicing the transmission market, rounding out Hubbell’s offering for the transmission, substation and distribution markets.

The integration of Turner Electric’s products, coupled with a deep new product development schedule speaks to Hubbell’s dedication to product improvement and innovation. Turner also brings an excellence in engineering to the table with its TECO-Rupter ® vacuum interrupter, offers a more environmentally friendly device than some competitive designs, which use SF6 gases. “The vacuum interrupter is a very technical product. It’s difficult to engineer, produce and make reliable. The other option is a process that uses greenhouse gas.” says Bundren “Utilities are monitoring their greenhouse gas usage so they want to use something that’s clean, and that’s vacuum.” The acquisition also broadens the geographical reach of both companies’ products. “Geographically and product-wise they’re a good fit.” explains Jason Bundren, Utility Automation Business Unit Director, “Turner Electric is well known for interrupting devices, domestically and internationally. They do well in Europe, Canada and also Latin America. It’s a very strong brand name.”


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