Tips & News - April 2013
Quazite ® is the world’s premier manufacturer of underground enclosures. The legacy continues with the introduction of the NEW, deeper version of its line of 30” x 48” enclosures – the 48” deep Quazite ® PG3048BA48. Strength. Security. Innovation. T h e A s s u r a n c e o f Quazite ® Quality
StormSoldiers TheSTORMSOLDIERSpromotioneffectivelykicksoffApril 18, 2013on National JourneymanLinemanDay. Hubbell Power Systems, Inc. is workingwithour distributorpartners and industryassociations tobring theStormSoldiersMovie to thebigscreenacross thecountry. Themovie tour is scheduled to last oneyear, concludingat IEEE inChicago inMay2014. Askyour TerritoryManager about dates and locationsnear you.
HPSonYouTube Inaddition to theHPSwebsite,wepostmanyof our product andcompanyvideosonour YouTubechannel. To find, simply visit andsearch forHubbell Power Systems!
RUS Accepted for Secondary Pedestal
The New PG3048BA48: • Achieves 48” depth without installing and stacking multiple enclosures • ANSI/SCTE certified, earning a Tier 22 rating • Reaches below most frost lines, improving access and performance • Features the latest EZ Auger™ fastener technology, providing trouble-free installation and longer life • Provides extended access for utility lines
upcomingshows May5-8 —WindPower | Chicago, IL
July27-28 —NJATC (National Training Institute) | AnnArbor,MI August21-22 —Anchor&FoundationSeminar | Centralia,MO
Wearepleased toannounce theRUS (Rural Utilities Service) acceptanceof our secondarypedestals. Formore informationonourpedestals, pleasevisit:
To learn more about our Quazite ® Underground Enclosures, please scan the QR Code below.
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orderHPS Literature withone click Inorder tomakeyour literature requestseasier andmoreefficient, Hubbell Power Systemshas
PG3048BA48 can be used with the full family of Quazite ® Polymer Concrete PG3048 covers.
Hubbell has a policy of continuous product improvement. We reserve the right to change design and specifications without notice. ©Copyright 2013 Hubbell Incorporated
moved its literature requestpage toanonlinestorefront. Visit andclickon the request literature tab to finddirectionsonusing theonlinestorefront. Literature isdivided intoproduct categories tomake it easier for you to find. As always, HPS literaturecontinues tobea free resource.
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