Tips & News - April 2011
Tips & News - April 2011
VOL. 15 NO. 1 | APRIL 2011 TIPS NEWS www. hubbe l l powe r s y s t ems . com
s t a r t h e r e . . .
As the industry leader in surge protection, we have a proven record of achievement:
• 1950 Introduction of our first surge arresters • 1957 Patented current-limiting gap arrester — Dramatically improving system protection • 1968 Opened Research and Development Center and High Voltage Laboratory • 1978 Opened MOV block plant — To control most critical components • 1986 Introduced world’s first polymer distribution arresters — Improved safety • 1988 Introduced Protecta*Lite ® transmission line surge arresters — Improving system reliability • 1993 Introduced polymer station arresters — Reducing weight and improving safety • 2005 PDV Optima arrester introduction — Preventing line lockout • 2007 SVN/PH4 arrester introduction — Reducing weight and improving safety • 2010 Introduced Protecta*Lite ® distribution line surge arresters — Improved system reliability No one can match the number of Ohio Brass surge arresters that are protecting power systems around the globe. Our products not only deliver the highest reliability, they are backed by the most experi- enced arrester team in the industry – a team with unmatched field experience.
• Experienced engineering staff — Including two IEEE Fellows • Over 100 years experience • Territory managers where you live • Seminars/Training — At the factory and in the field • Web-based training • Factory tours • Employee and Company commitment to customers • Industry Standards assistance and development • Active in IEEE, IEC & NEMA technical committees • IEEE Standards medallion winner • IEEE SPDC Working group and subcommittee chairman • Past SPDC chairman • Recognized experts to IEC Technical Committee 37
At Ohio Brass, we back what we say about our products with complete and accurate data. No sugar coating. Just the information you need.
• High corporate and personal standards — Annual ethics training • Unembellished data — Always to the letter of the standards • Clear country of origin markings • Complete product testing — All clauses of standards addressed • Open and honest communication • Growing, vibrant organization • Solid reputation — Say what we mean and mean what we say
Our history is clear: Ohio Brass is the leading innovator in power surge technology serving the global electric utility market. We will continue to back our existing line of products with complete commitment to customer satisfaction as we go forward introducing products of the future.
Mike Comber Manager-Engineering - Surge Arresters Over 45 years in high voltage utility, R&D and product devel- opment businesses - IEEE Life Fellow
"Our talented and experienced engineers and testing staff help keep us at the forefront of arrester technology."
Denny Lenk Principal Engineer - Surge Arresters Over 42 years in design & testing of surge arresters - IEEE Fellow "Ohio Brass leadership in the surge arrester market is, in my mind, the end result of our attention to detail and the company's historically strong commitment to standing behind our products and its continuing support of the Industry Standards (both IEEE and IEC) writing efforts." Steve Brewer Senior Product Manager - Surge Arresters Nearly 30 years in the industry - IEEE Standards Medallion "Helping to convert the entire industry to polymer- housed surge arresters has been a highlight of my OB career."
" . . . at the forefront of technology"
Chris Kulig Design Engineer Over 19 years in the power industry
“Arrester design must always adapt to the changing needs of our customers. To that end, the continued research we perform is essential to meeting the customer with the right product, right where they are and right when they need it.”
Senthil Kumar Design Engineer - Surge Arresters Over 9 years of R&D and product development in the high voltage industry "Our ability to engineer unique solutions using readily available components is proof of our knowledge and commitment to the utility industry."
we have wha t ' s needed SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS
Hubbell Power Systems has one of the broadest products lines for constructing and maintaining transmission systems and substations. Whether the need is for sophisticated anchoring, foundations, deadending, hardware, polymer arrest- ers, insulators or switches . . . we help bring sustainable energy to consumers. For more than 100 years, we’ve been serving customers with our Anderson, CDR, Chance, Electro Composites, Fargo, Ohio Brass, PCORE, Quazite and USCO brands. Names you know. Names you trust. From a single supplier coordinating delivery, function and fit of the products. That means less worry for you, and smoother job. Save time and money with us.
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Anyway you want it. For Westar, that means suspen- sion assemblies in smaller boxes. “Seventy to seventy- five pounds: That is what we limit the package weight to,” says Jerry Lorimer, Manager of Transmission, Inspection and Maintenance, Westar, Topeka Kansas. And, that is how they get it. Westar used the Hubbell Power System’s TowerPak ® service, which packages parts however the customer wants to receive them, in this case, on seven different transmission construction jobs. “We’ve used pre-packaged stuff before. When I started on the construction side, in the late 70s, a lot of our stuff was boxed by job, but we got away from it, to some extent. Westar went through a long period where we weren’t building very much. Three years ago, our annual transmission line construction budget was less than $10 million dollars. This year, we will spend more than $100 million on transmission line con- struction projects,” says Lorimer. Westar Energy’s transmission system consists of about 4,500 miles (69, 115, 138, 161, 230, 345-kV) of line. The company just finished work (August, 2010) on a new 100-mile, 345-kV line that the company started work- ing on in early 2008. Although the 345-kV circuit is new, most of its route follows existing right-of-ways. The existing lines (69, 115 and 138-kV) are being up- graded as an under build on the new 345-kV line. “When we sat down with Hubbell to discuss how we wanted the material sent, we had some fairly specific requirements. We wanted to limit the weight of the boxes, because worker safety is our most important concern. We don’t want guys in the field moving around hundred pound boxes by hand.” SPECIAL ORDERS don't upset us:
Westar uses Hubbell connectors on $150 million transmission construction project “We also use a particular type of locking nut (ANCO Fas- teners, Lewisville, TX) on some shield wires and, periodi- cally we need larger insulators. And, we get everything packaged exactly the way we want it,” says Lorimer. In order to get materials in smaller boxes, Westar En- ergy requested that the assemblies be packaged per- phase, instead of per-pole. This makes the boxes much lighter and therefore easier to handle in the field. “At Westar, we’ve got a little bit of a crunch when it comes to finding qualified linemen. (But, there probably isn’t an excess of qualified transmission construction guys anywhere.) So, we are using contractors to build the new transmission and we want to help them work as efficiently as possible. We do as much as we can on the front end, like pre-packaging, so they have exactly what they need. And, we want the boxes to be light enough to handle in the field,” says Lorimer. Westar Energy is not as interested in the actual box as some companies. Some utilities using Hubbell Power Sys- tem’s TowerPak ® service specify heavy duty boxes that What You Need – In A Box of Your Choosing
will last even when sitting out in the weather for months. “We don’t want the boxes falling apart, of course. Those yoke plates are heavy. If one falls on your foot, it is going to be a bad thing, but we store our materials in locked ConEx boxes (not out in the weather). We do that because theft is sometimes an issue. While the lines go across coun- try (through the middle of no-where), our Stores sites are normally close to a town where thieves have better access. Copper is the predominant thing that gets stolen, if they can find it, but thieves will also take aluminum and steel,” says Lorimer. Special Nuts: No Problem Like most utilities, Westar Energy has a few company-spe- cific construction procedures. In this case, it is nuts.
much clearance as we would like. It might not be large enough for us to work on the line bare-handed, if we need to work on it while the line is still energized.” “We solve this problem by putting a 500-kV insulator —a longer insulator—on the corner of the dead-end so we get the distance we need.” A Major Design Change Westar Energy used Hubbell Power Systems’ Quadri*Sil insulators, which are typically shipped separately from the assembly hardware. Since the Quadri*Sil insulators come in various lengths (good for 69-kV through 765-kV) put- ting a longer, 500-kV insulator on a 345-kV line is not a big change when it comes to ordering parts. But, when a utility is building a 100-mile line--over the course two or
“We use an ANCO locking nut in places where there might be a vibration is- sue, like at the top of a pole where the shield wire attaches. The nut has a little piece of wire in it that locks it on and, if you put one of them on, you don’t ever have to worry about it vibrating off. They are made by Anco rather than Hubbell, which isn’t a problem. Hubbell gets them and puts them in the boxes for us.” “When we first started talking to our
three years--inevitably, problems occur that require more significant changes. And, Lorimer has had to adapt and adjust parts’ lists more than once. “In one case, a manufacturer unex- pectedly substituted some parts and sent us poles with attachment vangs that were wider than what the draw- ings showed. So, we had to quickly get wider shackles for those poles. If we would have had to wait for parts,
it could have seriously set us back, but Hubbell really worked with us on that problem. We didn’t have to stop work or even slow down the construction,” says Lorimer. Engineers Wanted When dealing with inexperienced design engineers, work- ing with Hubbell Power Systems helps in another way— assembly drawings. “We probably have four different consulting groups working for us now and not all those engineers are ex- perienced. We also have our own engineers and none of them have more than one year’s worth of experience.” “So, it does make life a little easier, if you can give an en- gineer a parts list and the drawings for a standard assem- bly. I can hand them the Hubbell drawing and say, ‘Here is what this assembly looks like and here are the parts in it and here is how it comes. It is all in one box.’ When you’ve got that many consulting engineers (and in-house engineers) without a tremendous amount of experience, being able to do that really helps,” says Lorimer. “The lack of power engineers is a big issue for us. We’ve been trying to add staff for a long time. To some extent, we are training people at the consulting engineer level. Like when we have to install 500-kV insulators on 345-kV lines. The engineers just don’t have the experience and I don’t think the problem is going to go away anytime soon,” says Lorimer.
Hubbell rep about the nuts, he didn’t know what they were. I happened to have some to show him and I told him why we use them. He actually passed that informa- tion on to other utilities and, from what I understand, there are more people using them, now,” says Lorimer. Design Changes Like most other utilities, Westar Energy has trouble find- ing engineers with transmission design experience and, therefore, often relies on the services of consulting firms. Even so, the consulting engineers do not necessarily have a wealth of utility experience and may not be completely familiar with standard utility work practices. This can cre- ate problems that require unplanned changes to parts lists and special orders, so having a close working relationship with a parts supplier is beneficial. A Minor Change “Our major projects are now designed by consulting engi- neers and sometimes there are issues. For example, there have been some problems with the designs of 90 degree corners on 345-kV transmission lines,” says Lorimer. “To get the clearances just right, the engineer has to prop- erly calculate the distance from the corona ring back to the arm. Sometimes, we end up with a design with has a clearance that meets NESC code, but that isn’t always as
tions of conductor size and span length are well within the capability of standard items in Hubbell’s catalog,” explains St. John. “We have been buying assemblies that have 25,000 pound rated insulators and 30,000 pound [rated] hardware. Though, for our next 345-kV project, which will start in 2011, we will be installing 1590 kcmil ACSR Lapwing (also 45/7). So, we are going to 50,000 pound rated suspension insulators in the dead-end assemblies and 50,000 pound rated hard- ware. It is a different kit, but still ‘standard.’” Strong Alliances Three years ago, Westar Energy and Hubbell Power Systems entered into a purchasing alliance. “I think, with only a few exceptions, we have been buying insulators and hardware items exclusively from Hubbell since the beginning of our alliance agreement. Although Westar Energy chose to use the TowerPak® service, our contractors are all on- board. It makes their job easier, too. Having things modularized and pre-packaged speeds up the work and saves everyone a little bit of money.”
Purchasing Benefits From the purchasing side, a packaging service like Tower- Pak® can make life at a utility much easier and more effi- cient. Bob St. John, Consulting Design Engineer for Westar Energy explains. “In general, the more work that we can get vendors to do--on a factory floor—the better, because it cuts down on the amount of field work. A factory is a controlled environment, while field labor has to be performed in en- vironments that aren’t always within our control, due to weather and so on.” “And another thing: Labor costs quite a bit of money out on a transmission line right of way. [Aggregating parts] ultimately costs us money directly or indirectly, but I sus- pect that Hubbell can do that packaging less expensively than we can,” says St. John. And, TowerPak ® makes or- dering much simpler, because a complete assembly is one item. (Insulators are normally shipped separately.) A typical single phase suspension assembly may include: one anchor shackle, one socket Y-clevis, one triangular yoke plate, two suspension clamp assemblies and one suspension insulator assembly. A typical single phase deadend assembly may in- clude: two anchor shackles, one chain link, one triangular yoke plate, one rectangular yoke plate, two socket clev- ises, two deadend clamp assemblies and two suspension insulator assemblies. “In our material system, we’ve assigned a Westar Energy material code to each one of the pre-packaged assemblies. When we are putting the job together, we just order x number of dead-end assemblies and y number of suspen- sion assemblies,” says St. John. Further, by using the Hubbell TowerPak ® service, the utility does not have to purchase and store hundreds of individu- al parts (like 200 yoke plates). This frees up storage space. “When we issue the purchase order for a job, we may set it up so Hubbell Power Systems delivers the order in two or three or four different batches. We can get the deliv- eries when we want and need them (spread out over a period of several months, if that is what is called for). So, we don’t have to warehouse the whole job from day one,” says St. John. Everything You Need Another advantage of TowerPak ® is that Hubbell Power Systems, with its vast catalog of parts, provides the service Westar Energy needs. Westar Energy is building and re- building lines with a number of conductor sizes, but Hub- bell Power Systems can provide all the assemblies Westar needs and will need in the future. “We are installing 1192 kcm ACSR Bunting (45/7), but we have also installed some 954 Rail (45/7) and 795 ACSR Drake (26/7). We are pretty much buying standard, stock assemblies. The strength requirements for these combina-
Custom Finger Shapes . . . from the name you trust and the brand you depend on. AVAILABLE NOW
Accidents unfortunately happen. When a lineman suffers the loss of a finger - or part of a finger - change becomes a necessity. CHANCE wants to help by providing Custom Finger Gloves in a manner both cost effective and timely. We want your valued lineman to get back into the field when ready, instead of waiting for gloves. The CHANCE Pledge
• A much lower up-front former cost. • A significantly lower glove price. • A significantly shorter lead time. • A better Custom Finger Glove.
Superior Quality Assurance Your personal safety deserves no less than the best. Custom Finger Rubber Insulating Gloves deliver the same features as all our Lineman Grade Gloves™. Ergonomic innovation. Superior products. And Timely Solutions. Just a few of the reasons the industry turns to Hubbell Power Systems and the Chance brand.
For details and how to order our Custom Finger Gloves, request Bulletin 07-1004. For all our Lineman Grade Gloves™, see Catalog Section 2650 on our web site:
For more information, contact your Hubbell Power Systems representative, fax 573-682-8714 or e-mail
UPDATED Distribution Connector Catalog
Recently updated, this connector catalog is your source for connectors, fittings, hardware and crimping tools. A complete reference source that is essential for anyone involved in distribution.
Request Connector Catalog DIST-1 at
Encyclopedia of Grounding
• This is THE BOOK on Temporary Protective Grounding for everyone from lineworkers to methods and training departments, to safety, operations and procurement management. • 13 sections cover the history of grounding practices; electrical current’s ef- fects on humans; OSHA requirements; ASTM, IEEE and IEC standards; step- and touch-potential; equipotential zones; equipment and applications; and installa- tion procedures for overhead, underground, substation and truck grounding. • Contributing to worker safety in the electric power industry is this work’s purpose. Based on our continuing professional experience and direct involve- ment with both utilities and their governing authorities, its 124 pages offer ex- pert guidance on technical and practical aspects necessary to make temporary grounding effective. for De-Energized Construction and Maintenance
For a printed copy, request by Bulletin No. 07-0801, Encyclopedia of Grounding
Epoxiglas® Insulated
JIBS & EXTENSIONS with Material Handling Accessories for most truck brands
Roller Wireholder C4000747
Round Jib Adapter P4001594P
Roller Wireholder C4001669
3"-diameter Epoxiglas ® Jib Extension T4001525
This representative model fits Altec® trucks. To fit other brands of trucks, see selections in Catalog Section 4150.
Jib Extension with Wireholder — 3"-diameter round Epoxiglas ® Insulation
Roller Wireholder C4000747
Square Jib Adapter P4002536P
Jib Extension with Wireholder — 4" x 4" square Epoxiglas ® Insulation
4" x 4" Epoxiglas ® Jib Extension PST4002748
continued . . .
For detailed dimensions of products compatible with specific truck brands, please see Truck Accessories Section 4150 of the Chance® Hot Line Tool Catalog on our website: For products to fit truck brands not listed in the catalog, contact Hubbell Power Systems with detailed specifications.
Also visit our web site to locate and contact your local HPS representative or contact our factory.
Jib Extension with Wireholder — 3"-diameter round Epoxiglas ® Insulation
3"-diameter Epoxiglas ® Jib Extension PST4002818
This representative model fits Telelect trucks. To fit other brands of trucks, see selections in Catalog Section 4150.
For detailed dimensions of products compatible with specific truck brands, please see Truck Accessories Section 4150 of the Chance® Hot Line Tool Catalog on our website: For products to fit truck brands not listed in the catalog, contact Hubbell Power Systems with detailed specifications.
Also visit our web site to locate and contact your local HPS representative or contact our factory.
Jib Extension with Sheave and Wireholder — 3"-diameter round Epoxiglas ® Insulation
3"-diameter Epoxiglas ® Jib Extension with Wireholder & Sheave PST4003059
This representative model fits Altec ® trucks. To fit other brands of trucks, see selections in Catalog Section 4150.
For detailed dimensions of products compatible with specific truck brands, please see Truck Accessories Section 4150 of the Chance® Hot Line Tool Catalog on our web site: For products to fit truck brands not listed in the catalog, contact Hubbell Power Systems with detailed specifications.
Also visit our web site to locate and contact your local HPS representative or contact our factory.
For more information, contact your Hubbell Power Systems representative, fax 573-682-8714 or e-mail
helps improve lightning protection WEB APPLICATION TOOL NEW OHIO BRASS
Installing anchors in rocky soils is a difficult and expensive task for utilities. For solid rock conditions, our wedge-style rock anchors work great. Now, for broken rock conditions too tough for a screw anchor to penetrate, our new Grouted Rock Anchor can be just the right solution!
Visit talite/ to use a new tool to help you evaluate lightning performance for typi- cal 34.5, 69, 138 and 230 kV lines. Using the tool, you can determine impact of structure footing resistance on shield wire protection while you see the impact of adding surge protection to line insula- tion. You can study the impact of various arrester spacings, too. An easy link takes you to technical field support for more detailed analysis of specific lines. It’s quick, easy and informative. Try it today!
GROUTED ROCK ANCHORS Application Table for Cat. No. W104-0004 and W104-0055
Allowable Load Capacity for 6" dia x 1' long
Ultimate Bond Stress between Rock & Grout psi
grout column lb/ft of length
Granite Basalt
Dolomitic Limestone
Soft Limestone Slates & Hard Shales
Soft Shales
Soil Class 5
For details on our Grouted Rock Anchor, see Catalog Supplemental Bulletin 4-24.1&2 on our web site or request your copy today! Grouted Rock Anchor SystemBenefits • Employs our RR or SS extensions and guy adapters • Uses standard grout sold at home center stores • Holding capacity chart provides engineering reference for various rocks and soils
For all our Anchors and Anchor Tools,see our Catalog Sections 4 & 4A on our web site.
For more information, contact your Hubbell Power Systems repre- sentative, fax 573-682-8714 or e-mail
Electro Composites ™
Electro Composites Solid Dielectric Capacitor (SDC) epoxy bushings are 100% oil free. You and your waterways are protected from oil spilling by transformers or breakers if there is a bushing failure. Put Electro Composites to work for you by reducing potential oil contamination in an environment we all want to protect.
Request Electro Composites bulletins EC-3 and EC-4 at
TIPS NEWS & Hubbell TIPS & NEWS magazine is pub- lished to inform personnel of electric utilities and associated companies of new ideas and techniques in transmission and distribution practices. The magazine, under different titles and formats, has been published since 1932. Your suggestions and editorial or photo- graphic contributions are invited and may be submitted to Hubbell TIPS & NEWS.
HUBBELL TIPS & NEWS 210 N. Allen Street
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UNITED STATES, CANADA & INTERNATIONAL • 210 N. Allen • Centralia, MO 65240 • Phone: 1-573-682-5521 • Fax: 1-573-682-8714 • E-mail: MEXICO • S.A. DE C.V. • Av. Insurgentes Sur # 1228, Piso 8 • Col. Tlacoquemecatl Del Valle • Mexico, D.F. 03200 • Phone: 52-55-9151-9999 • Fax: 52-55-9151-9988 NOTE: Because we have a policy of continuous product improvement, we reserve the right to change design and specifications without notice.
VOL. 15 NO. 1 | APRIL 2011
w w w . h u b b e l l p o w e r s y s t e m s . c o m
The Chance® Tools Catalog recently was revised and reprinted in soft- back, handbook size (5¼" x 7½"). The 368-page catalog contains 18 sec- tions of hot line tools, grounding equipment, load handling equipment and truck accessories. A section on the all new line of Chance Rubber Insulating Gloves pre- mieres in this issue. It also continues to include a section on Anderson/ Fargo connector tools, reflecting all current updates. Complete with numerical and alphabetical indices and page edges tabbed for easy reference, the revised Catalog features for the first time a section on Hubbell Hipotronics® test equipment. Hipotronics sales and service contacts (email, address, phone and fax numbers) are listed on the first page of the Hipotronics section for the products it contains. Hubbell Power Systems will gladly field inquiries about all other products in the catalog. The Chance ® Tool Catalog recently was revised and reprinted in soft- back, handbook size (5¼” x 7½”). The 368-page catalog contains 18 sections of ho line to ls, grounding equipment, loa handling equip- ment, and truck accessories. A secti on the all new line of Chance Rubber Insulating Gloves pre- mieres in this issue. It als co tinues to include a section on Anderson/ Fargo connector tools, reflecting all current updates. Complete with numerical and alphabetical indices and page edges tabbed for easy reference, the revised Catalog features for the first time a section on Hubbell Hipotronics® test equipment. Hipotronics sales and service contacts (email, address, phone and fax numbers) are listed on the first page of the Hipotro ics section for the products it contains. Hubbell Power Systems will gladly field inquiries about all other products in the cata og.
For your free copy, request by email to Or, check it out on line and download any section at
For your free copy, request by email to Or, check it out on line and download any section at www.hubbellpower-
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