Substation Connectors (Combined)


EXAMPLE NO. 2—A single-size “T” connector is used to connect a 3-inch Schedule 40 aluminum main to a 397.5 kcmil ACSR tap (out side diameter = 0.743 inch).

After locating the proper line for the 3-inch pipe in the first column of the table, it will be seen that the connectors require four 5/8-inch-diameter bolts per conductor.

After locating the proper line for the 0.743-inch-outside diameter ACSR tap in the third column of the table, it will be seen that the connectors require four 1/2-inch-diameter bolts per conductor.

In this case and in accordance with Note III following the table, the manufacturer has the choice of using either four 1/2-inch diameter bolts per conductor of four 5/8-inch-diameter bolts per conductor.

EXAMPLE NO.3—A copper stud connector having a 1-1/8”-12 thread is connected to copper cable ranging from 400 to 800 kcmil in size. Using the fourth column for the stud and the second column for the copper cable, it will be seen that the connectors require the following bolts:

1. Four 3/8-inch-diameter bolts per conductor for the stud. 2. Four 1/2-inch-diameter bolts per conductor for the cable.

In this case and in accordance with Note III following the table, the manufacturer has the choice of using either four 3/8-inch diameter bolts per conductor or four 1/2-inch-diameter bolts per conductor.

ST 10




October 2016

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