Communications Catalog (CA12042E)
Guy Markers
FULL ROUND Increased Visibility
A full 360° of 1 1 / 2 " diameter high-visibility yellow or orange provides increased visibility to children and adults alike. Also available in green or gray for more aesthetically inconspicuous applications. A 2 1 / 2 " diameter marker is also available. Increased Vandal Resistance A unique strand trapping design has been added to the security of a concealed pigtail and a self-locking nylon strap. The guy strand passes easily in one direction only — into the marker. Increased Installation Ease and Range Easy to install; tough to remove. Simply snap the marker over the guy and lock it in place with the self-locking nylon strap and pigtail. Fits guy strand diameters from 3 / 16 " to 1 / 2 ". Increased Ruggedness for Demanding Service The UV-stabilized, high impact, high density polyethylene construction has excellent color retention, cold weather properties and no cutaway sections to weaken its strength.
† Cat. No. C0790263. Reflective 10" long bright orange strip 2' from top of yellow marker for greater visibility. Ideal for heavy snow areas and also for recreational ATV-use areas.
Decreased Costs Not only will you save time, but you’ll also save money with these exceptionally affordable guy markers.
Ordering Information
Dimensions Inches
Approx Ship Wt Each (lbs)
Std Package
Length Diameter Strand Range
84 96
11/2 11/2 11/2
3/16 thru 1/2 3/16 thru 1/2 3/16 thru 1/2
20 20 20
1.30 1.48 1.48
C0790263 †
— 96
(1) Can be ordered without pigtail, Catalog Number T0790206.
Flame Retardant
Dimensions Inches
Per Carton
Catalog Number Yellow
Approx Ship Wt Each (lbs)
Std Package
Length Diameter Strand Range
3/16 thru 1/2
(1) RUS listed.
Page A92 | August 2022
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