Communications Catalog (CA12042E)
Clamps, Span
The Mid-Span Clamp Insulator provides extra insulation between the support strand and aerial drop wire. Made from low density polyethylene, it helps prevent lightning burn through of the drop wire jacket, which causes nuisance ground-outs.
EM 8010PG
• Simple, economical design is available as a loose piece to install on existing hardware, or it can be ordered on new mid span clamps. • Shaped like a cam, it can be installed on pigtail bolt, located, and then turned to lock in the drop wire bail.
For use in lightning-prone areas. It is also economical enough to use on every span clamp to help prevent trouble.
Ordering information
EM PG02 Mid-span clamp insulator EM 8010PG Span clamp with teeth and insulator EM 8011PG Span clamp with fingers and insulator EM 8012PG Span clamp with internal teeth, “L”-shaped bolt, and insulator
EM 8012PG
EM 8011PG with drop wire installed
For Electric Motion Company (EMC) part numbers starting with “EM” please contact EMC customer service at 860-379-8515 or
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