Chance Technical Design Manual
The dividing line between shallow and deep foundations has been reported by various researchers to be between three and eight times the foundation diameter. To avoid problems with shallow installations, the minimum recommended embedment depth for helical piles is five times the diameter of the top-most helix (5B). For tension anchors it is five feet or 5B, whichever is greater. The embedment depth is the vertical distance from the surface to the top-most helix. Whenever a Chance® helical pile/ anchor is considered for a project, it should be applied as a deep foundation for the following reasons: 1. A deep bearing plate provides an increased ultimate capac ity both in uplift and compression. 2. The failure at ultimate capacity will be progressive with no sudden decrease in load resistance after the ultimate ca pacity has been achieved. The approach taken herein for single-helix piles/anchors as sumes that the soil failure mechanism will follow the theory of general bearing capacity failure. For multi-helix helical piles and anchors, two possible modes of failure are considered in design, depending on the relative spacing of the helix plates. For wide helix spacing (spacing ≥ 3B), the individual plate bearing meth od is used; for close helix spacing (spacing < 3B), the perimeter shear method is used. These two methods are illustrated in Fig ures 5-3a & 5-3c (individual plate bearing) and Figures 5-3b & 5-3d (perimeter shear). With individual plate bearing, the helix capacity is determined by calculating the unit bearing capacity of the soil at the helix depth and multiplying the result by the helix projected area. The process is completed for each helix, and the individual helix capacities are added to yield the total pile/anchor capacity. Side resistance along the central shaft is typically not used to determine capacity but may be included when the central shaft is round, as will be discussed later in this section. The individual plate bearing method assumes that load capacity will be developed simultaneously and independently by each helix, i.e., no interaction occurs between helix plates. The perimeter shear method assumes that the close helix spac ing causes a prism of soil to develop between the helix plates and that failure in this zone occurs along a plane as shown in Figures 5-3b & d. In reality, the perimeter shear method includes plate bearing and perimeter shear failure as illustrated.
The following is Terzaghi’s general bearing capacity equation (Equation 5-7), which is used to determine the ultimate capacity of soil (Q ult , a.k.a. Q H ). This equation and its use will be discussed in this section, as it forms the basis of determining helix capac ity in soil. EQUATION 5-7 Q ult = A h (cN c +q’N q + 0.5 g ’BN g ) where A h = Projected helix area c = Soil cohesion Terzaghi’s bearing capacity factors are shown in Table 5-2. Following is based on Bowles (1988) concerning the use of Equation 5-7 for deep foundations where the various terms of the bearing capacity equation are distinguished. 1. The cohesion term predominates in cohesive soil. 2. The depth term (q’N q ) predominates in cohesionless soils. Only a small increase in D (vertical depth to footing or helix plate) increases Q ult substantially. 3. The base width term 0.5 g ’BN g provides some increase in bearing capacity for cohesive and cohesionless soils. In cases where B < 3 to 4 m (9.8 to 13.1 ft), this term could be neglected with little error. The base width term of the bearing capacity equation is not used when dealing with helical piles/anchors because, as Bowles indicates, the resulting value of that term is quite small. The effective overburden pressure (q’, of consequence for co hesionless soils) is the product of depth and the effective unit weight of the soil. The water table location may cause a reduc tion in the soil bearing capacity. The effective unit weight of the soil is its in-situ unit weight when it is above the water table. However, the effective unit weight of soil below the water table is its in-situ unit weight less the unit weight of water. q’ = Effective overburden pressure B = Footing width (base width) g ’ = Effective unit weight of the soil and N c , N q , and N g are bearing capacity factors
Mixed Soils
C = Compression T = Tension
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